How to Use Nginx as a Load Balencer…???

Load balencer, As a name suggest used for trafice forwading to make your application fail proof and efficient. As you know many companies are using nginx as a web server. But we can use nginx as as simple load balencer also. Let follow the article to know how to configure it. Install Nginx on your […]

How to install MariaDB 10.4 on Ubuntu 18.04 using shell script non-interactive.

Currently while working on one of my Jenkins pipeline project I face one major problem. This is regarding the installation of of application on cloud. What I do in my old method is do ssh on server and run different scripts for my application. One of them is for installing ‘Mariadb-Server’. Currently there is no […]

How to install Jenkins on Docker??

The main moto of Docker is to make deployment easy. They why not to use Jenkins also??? Yes thats what we are doing this in this blog. First i am using Visual Studio along with Docker plugin for this project. is my docker hosting server in my local network. I am Using docker-copose,yml file […]

How to setup Samba on ZFS with redundancy??

What is samba?? Samba is nothing but a way of re-implementing ‘SMB’ protocol in your system. What is ‘SMB’?? ‘SMB’ ( Server Message Block ) is a file-sharing protocol first developed by IMP as smb1 in 1980. In 2006 Microsoft Introduce SMB2.0 by reducing subcommands which are used in SMB1 from 100 to 19 which […]

How Powerfull is ‘dd’ command? and How to use it??

Have you ever used a ‘dd’ command?  If yes that’s awesome if no I am here to help you. The dd command stands for ‘Data Definition’. This command is founded by IBM in the early stage of Unix development. The main advantage of dd is its copes data from the block by block. In more simple […]

How to Give root Access in Limited Maner Using Sudo.

Many time you need root access to run any cmd. But it is not always possible to give root users password to other users. So we give them a sudo access. Sudo gives them the ability to run commands as root. The main advantage of sudo is that you can limit the access of the […]